Mindfulness Retreat

Inner Deep Listening - Quiet Still Awareness - Waiting

Do you feel like you’re drowning in your day to day life, struggling to keep your head above water, feeling like there is never enough time in the day?

Maybe you feel lost in this fast world we now live in.

Well how about some time out for you?

Slow down - Breath - Listen for Silence - Be Present in the moment

Let’s take some time out to “breathe” and rejuvenate ourselves while supporting each other to re-connect, being still and in the present moment, listening for silence.

An exciting opportunity for participants to focus on their health and wellbeing.

Offering a space in nature, in a non-judgemental, non-threatening environment promoting mindfulness, self awareness, increased self-esteem, confidence, trust, self belief and self worth. 

A great opportunity to immerse yourself in nature, away from the Hussle and Bussle, to relax and focus on your unique self.

Why Horses?

“There is something about the inside of a horse that is good for the inside of a man”

Winston Churchill

Being prey animals, horses possess a natural instinct for heightened awareness, enabling them to deeply sense and interpret the psychology, emotions, and actions of those around them.

Horses, with their captivating beauty, intelligence, sensitivity, and strength, possess an innate allure that often draws us towards them. Their majestic presence serves to awaken our senses, fostering personal growth and learning. Interacting with horses can evoke powerful emotions and prompt unconscious feelings and needs to surface, providing an opportunity for therapeutic exploration and processing.

When the practitioner pays close attention to the horse’s body language, they gather important information to explore with the client. If the horse appears calm and composed, it can create a space for the client’s own nervous system to find a sense of calm too. This provides an opportunity for the client to work through any strong emotions, unconscious feelings, and needs in a therapeutic manner.  They in turn learn how to connect with their bodies and how to really be grounded, present in the here and now and be living in an aware state.

Horses are all about living in the here and now, without any judgment or pretenses. They communicate through their bodies and have this amazing ability to sense even the tiniest shifts in their surroundings, whether it’s the horse, the person, or the environment. When a horse responds to someone, it’s like getting direct feedback. This creates a special chance for participants to learn more about themselves, become more aware of their own choices, and discover new ways to respond to different situations. It’s like a treasure trove of self-awareness and personal growth.

“A horse already knows how you feel before you do”

Calm and well-balanced horses create an emotional and sensory space that promotes calmness and fosters the growth of trust among participants. Horses have the remarkable ability to respond without judgment, accepting individuals for their authentic selves. This enables participants to feel acknowledged and understood in a safe and non-critical manner, nurturing a sense of acceptance and self-discovery.

Group Size : We can offer groups of 4-6 participants.

Session duration : Sessions are offered from 3 hrs to full days. 

Session location : Equine Human Mindfulness is located in Whittlesea, Victoria

Costs :

3 hrs – $230 per participant

Full day – lunch included –  $390  per participant

Wet weather : We have sheltered areas where we can proceed in most circumstances. 24 hours notice will be provided if a session needs to be rescheduled.

Please feel free to contact me to discuss any questions you may have.

If you would like anymore information or any questions answered please contact us either by ph 0418 493 516 or email info@equinehumanmindfulness.com.au